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“Porn can can enhance a relationship in a sense that it could increase sexual intimacy by watching together and it can lead to some exciting sex by learning a move or two. On the contrary, it can damage the relationship if your partner is engaging in this behavior too much. Just like drugs, porn can change the chemistry of the brain leading to an addiction. Some red flags include: your partner watching porn multiple times per day or binging to the point where the frequency of sex is decreased between the both of you; they are in favor of watching porn rather than having sex; and they are unable to get aroused/stimulated without watching pornography.”.”Read More


Tip 5. You can’t focus. If your mental health is suffering, you may find that it manifests physically and behaviorally, so stay tuned in to how your body and brain are working. “When you are no longer able to focus extended periods of time and attention toward completing your duties, chances are you may need a mental health day or two to reset your brain,” licensed mental health counselor and Grey’s Counseling Services founder Jovica Grey tells us. Even a single day off may be just what you need to come back with the concentration you need to succeed!Read More

"Emotional abuse is a form of abuse that uses verbal and emotional manipulation in an effort to control another person," Jovica Grey, licensed mental health counselor and founder of Grey’s Counseling Services, tells Bustle. "Some examples of this may include: humiliation, manipulation, verbal aggression, belittling, and intimidation." And it can really do a number on a person.Read More

Our Mission

Greys Counseling Services wants to create a safe and therapeutic environment that promote and foster inner healing